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let art find you

We bring you closer to art than ever before.

Discover works of art in your personalised feed that you might never have seen otherwise.

art discovery

Discover the perfect blend of technology and creativity with lila your personal AI Art Advisor. Get custom-tailored art recommendations and insights that resonate with your individual style.

Hi, i’m Lila your Ai Art Advisor. I’m here to guide you trough the world of art. Together we’ll find the perfect artwork for you

We make art accessible to everyone,
whoever you are

We believe art is meant to be shared and appreciated. And to make the discovery an experience, nomea finds the audience for each artwork

Empowering Artists

by connecting you
with your global audience


Connect with art lovers who truly value your work through Nomea's AI-powered matchmaking.


Securely store, manage and access your artistic masterpieces with our cloud-based image storage platform

Artist Spotlight

Nomea offers artists unparalleled exposure with featured spots and debut functions for newcomers

Your home for art

that turns art discovery
into an exciting and seamless journey.

Creative Companion

Lila, your AI Art Assistant, simplifies the art world, curating art to your taste and matching it to your space.

Connect with Art

Engage directly with artists, curate your favorites, and build your own collections on a platform designed for interaction and discovery.

Discover your
home of art